Jongården homestead Berguddsvägen 14
SE-918 03 Holmön, Sweden
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In Swe

photo O Nygren

The main house






The main house, which is made of full timber, was erected during 1860-ies by Johan, son of Pell-Pers. This occured when one of the eight major homesteads (Holmön 5) was split among the sons. The house is of so called Västerbotten type. It is oriented in east-west, which is unusual for this type of houses that normally is oriented i north-south. The entrance is on the north side of the house. The kitchen is in the east and the drawing-room is in the west side of the bottom floor. 

During 1920 Johans son, Erik Johansson, built a new barn with cattle house north of the court yard. The old cattle house, west of the court yard, was rebuilt to baking house and storage. The court yard became surrounded with buildings in south, west and north. The entrance road comes from east and is situated about 80 m from Berguddsvägen. 

Bror Eriksson, son to Erik Johansson, renovated the main house in 1951 and built the entrance part, in which a small bathroom was built. The floor was insulated and an incinerator for water carried central heating was installed in the kitchen. A new wood fired stove was installed but the tiled stove in the drawing-room was unfortunately removed at that renovation. The incinerator and wood fired stove is still in use. Later the roof was plated and and the windows were changed in the kitchen, chamber and sleeping room at east on the second floor, i.e. the parts used during the winter. 

At 2003 the whole second floor was renovated. A big bathroom with sauna and laundry was built on top of the entrance. Two more bed room was built in the west part and the east bedroom was renovated. A general room was built in the middle of the second floor.

Bror Eriksson, the last farmer, was mainly sheep farmer and fisherman. To the homestead there are 38 ha land of which most is forest. The fields are used by a neighbor today, and their sheep, cows and horses can be seen grazing n the fields around the homestead. Extensive forestry is used to maintain the forest and for supply of fire wood. 

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